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TrafficForce Video Slide Ads Are A Huge Stocking Stuffer For Advertisers



December 20, 2018

Beyond the traditional IM ads offered already by some tubes, the new Traffic Force Video Slide Ads are full motion video rather than static banners so the click-through ratios are excellent on them for advertisers and the additional engagement with the audience improves time on site for publishers as well. 

“As with most marketing methods, staying ahead of the trend is essential,” explained Ross of “This is a new monetization method for publishers, it is not widely used yet, and I believe we're the first network to offer it in the sectors where our clients are seeking to refresh their advertising materials.”

Each publisher has complete control over the slide functions including: where they come in from, how long they stay active, how big the ad is on the screen and many other variables that can be set on a site by site basis.

“CPMs on this ad during testing and soft launch are competitive with video pre-roll ads and the sell rates are excellent as well,” said Ross. “Just in time for the holiday season when consumers want to buy but are looking for the newest, shiniest, and most eye-popping cues to follow. These ads are ho, ho, hot!”

Get started right now as a Publisher or Advertiser by simply logging in to your existing TrafficForce account or contacting Traffic Force to learn more.