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Webmaster Central Switches to SSL and Sees Spike In Sales

Stewart Tongue


April 12, 2017

It was only recently that a new push to make the web more secure for all users started to take gain traction, and Webmaster Central has already made the move toward fully compliant SSL. Changing the protocol on the web does a lot more than just switch the domain URL from HTTP to HTTPS. In fact, since making the change, Webmaster Central has seen signups nearly double on some of their own B2C websites.

For those who aren’t techies, the change simply means that your information while browsing the site will be encrypted, protecting your web footprints and making all web users less vulnerable to attacks. It used to be that switching to SSL was a costly procedure, however, in the interest of every web user, a new initiative called Let’s Encrypt was started which is now allowing companies and site owners to do it for free.

For the owners of Webmaster Central, the idea was a no brainer when customers started requesting it. “Webmaster Central adapts to ever changing realities on the web by listening to our clients and making their requests a reality,” said Andy of “Our clients want us to create customized and unique websites modules all the time. This new change allows us to push our tech further and bring new services to all our clients with the best data security possible.” 

Webmaster Central is a tech forward company with multiple virtual reality products for site owners as well. The company has developed it’s own amazing 4K Ultra HD VR porn sites and is able to use sales date from those sites to assist B2B clients of its content production products. This move to SSL highlights the fact that they are always working to provide the highest quality experience for customers and end users.

Many industry experts believe that a lack of security certifications on websites is what has led to breaches in the past, and may even have contributed to piracy occurring in the porn industry. Adding in the fact that SSL warnings are now being shown to customers when they visit sites that are not SSL secured and it becomes imperative that all site owners make the move to SSL quickly. “The issue is that it’s not as easy as flipping a switch” Andy explained. “Your pages need to be migrated correctly, your redirects have to all be in order and your backend has to be managed properly. That another service we are now providing for site owners, and we have experience doing it thanks to our own site’s successful transition recently.”

To inquire about secure virtual reality content services, contact the virtual reality experts at Webmaster Central by e-mailing