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Is Your Ad Network Demasking Fraudsters And Malware Thieves?

Stewart Tongue


December 20, 2016

As the trend toward media buying continues to gather momentum, more Advertisers and Publishers than ever are becoming reliant on the process of purchasing digital traffic, tracking its value and making subsequent buys based on the results. The unfortunate side effect of this shift has been a massive spike in the amount of malware, fraud and unethical business practices a small minority of participants are actively engaged in every day. Now, is bringing ethical Ad Networks together in a way that benefits every business owner who buys or sells traffic across their platforms.

“The concept is very simple, and the impact is immediately noticeable” said Paul Armstrong, CEO of “The software solution we sell combines a number of automated tools, algorithmic data analysis and human investigative skills to provide the best possible method to identify, eliminate and end the kind of fraud that currently plagues the online advertising industry.”

Demasking is a fraud risk analysis and reduction platform built after decades of experience buying and selling ads online. It allows each ad network to share information about fraud as it is detected, to dynamically place holds on accounts identified as problematic, and to access actionable intelligence about the current threats to their own ad network, and to their customer accounts as well.

“The Demasking service is the best way to properly vet each advertiser to identify and rule out unethical ad buyers who are involved with malware and other scams that harm your ad network and your clients,” explained Armstrong. “We cross check ad buyers to discover any red flags that may arise from their past or current campaigns before you approve their account or their new ads. This can be repeated on live accounts at any time by the ad network to update their data and safeguard their clients because we provide networks with the ability to map malvertisers and fraud accounts to other accounts in their system regardless of the aliases used by fraudsters.”

An advertiser who creates an account under a fake name may get flagged and terminated quickly, but as the malvertiser moves from one ad network to another, with a slew of different aliases and false account details it becomes nearly impossible for any one network to find them and terminate them efficiently. Demasking empowers each ad network by tracking this kind of activity across multiple platforms and using aggregated data sets to demask unethical ad buyers before they do any damage to your network.

All of this is extremely important for every ad network, publisher and advertiser. The only way to make sure Publishers are safe from having malicious code on their sites, and to secure the reputation of the ad network overall is by proactively preventing fraud before it does any damage to the entire ecosystem. Demasking is the key to anonymous collaboration through aggregated data with our own proprietary mechanisms for ad networks serious about filtering out as many problematic accounts as possible.”

Ad Networks, Advertisers, Publishers and Media Buyers are encouraged to visit the website to learn more about this innovative approach to risk management in the digital ad sector. Speaking with Mr. Armstrong or the team’s highly qualified specialists may be the first step toward securing every click and improving the ROI of ethical participants across the board.