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MojoHost Releases New Version of SendFaster

Jo Merlone


September 16, 2013

Farmington Hills, MI - MojoHost is proud to announce that they are releasing a new version of their product SendFaster, which is a budget friendly alternative to a CDN. The new version of the product has greater download speeds to the end user yet remains at the same competitive price as before.

MojoHost will be doing a demonstration of the new and improved version of SendFaster during Webmaster Access in Amsterdam. “We here at MojoHost are always looking for ways in which to improve our service offerings,” states MojoHost CEO Brad Mitchell. “With the growing success of our CDN alternative SendFaster, we’ve managed to increase the delivery of content making this preexisting product even better than ever!”

The demonstration of the new version of SendFaster will take place during Webmaster Access Amsterdam on Saturday 21st September at 11am till 12pm in the London 4 room and is open to anyone who wishes to witness exactly how SendFaster can deliver content to the end consumer more effectively. And while the technology has improved with SendFaster the price point remains the same therefore continuing to be a cost effective solution to a CDN.

MojoHost’s involvement as a Gold Sponsor with Webmaster Access has the team already filling their scheduled with meetings. So if you are attending Webmaster Access and wish to speak with any of the MojoHost crew to learn more about SendFaster or the amazing flexibility and service that MojoHost’s first class hosting facility can provide, please email the Senior VP of Sales Scott Walley and