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Traffic Force Carrier Targeting And Advanced Mobile Tracking



March 10, 2014

Toronto – As mobile traffic continues to become more dominant, Traffic Force continues to add even greater targeting control for its ad platform of more than 12 Billion premium impressions per month for media buyers. The newest feature upgrade includes detailed Carrier Targeting and a whole new range of options when targeting mobile websites.

“Traffic Force Advertisers can now drill down to target Wi-Fi or WAP users, and even more specifically, can also target individual phone networks in more than 45 countries globally” said Ross of “Carrier Targeting is a huge benefit to media buyers because of the diversity of products in the mobile market space. It's a well known fact that certain products perform a lot better in different carrier networks, with some offering higher payouts and we're please to make this option available across our entire network for our clients.”

As the number of mobile device manufacturers, dealers, networks and carriers continue to grow – there is even more money to be made by fine-tuning campaigns to appeal to demographically different audiences whose individual tastes and purchasing cues can become easier to target as part of a well-defined pool of potential customers who share a common carrier choice or device preference. Putting that level of accuracy into full effect requires access to the tools and features that Traffic Force provides platform wide for Media Buyers and Publishers.

In each country around the globe, or any neighborhood of your own local region, provides all of the tools and features you need to earn the most from every ad placement with an award winning ad platform that provides premium traffic you can custom-tailor to each of your upcoming marketing campaigns.