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ManicaMoney Wins Best Euro Program XBIZ Award Thanks To A Global Focus

Stewart Tongue


January 29, 2014

The ManicaMoney webmaster affiliate program continues to build momentum in Europe and beyond as evidenced by the announcement that Manica has won the prestigious 2014 Award for Best European Program. The award recognizes their growing collection of top quality studio sites from a variety of nations and available in a litany of languages.

"Now affiliates have yet another reason to send traffic to the best converting paysite network for fans who want to watch adult entertainment in their own native tongue" said Erwin de Boer, VP of Online Media. "Whether your audience speaks English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese or any of the languages prevalent in emerging markets - ManicaMoney helps you cross the cultural divide by providing localized sites with top quality content and a feel that is fully integrated with the natural expectations fans have for being entertained in their own language."

Whether it's from the UK, in German, in Italian, in Portuguese, in Spanish, or any number of other sites like in English - ManicaMoney has created a network of sites that can be easily matched to most any target audience. In the previous 18 months several new studio brands have been added while in 2014 ManicaMoney is already planning to launch content sites that cover an even wider array of niches and cultural markets.

"Yes, the content is filmed in different languages, but our approach goes much deeper than that" said de Boer. "What people in Portugal find sexy may differ greatly from what people in the UK or Germany find alluring. Our tours and members areas are built from the ground up with each cultural identity in mind."

XBIZ and thousands of webmasters are already aware of the value ManicaMoney sites have in today's market. To get access to geotargted campaign materials, or for more information about their global focus visit today and turn the entire world into your own personal cash machine!