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Traffic Force Announces Real Time Automated Ad Optimization Option



November 14, 2013

Traffic Force continues to revolutionize the traffic procurement side of online marketing by unveiling a powerful new tool that helps ad buyers understand their own customers better, while improving performance and profitability of every ad in the Traffic Force inventory. Automated Ad Optimization uses real time statistical tracking across all ads on a per account basis to select the best performing creatives, and puts that information to work for you, running your best ads more often.

"Traffic Force provides 10 Billion Premium Impressions each month, and we understand the importance of ad CTR for our clients" said Ross of "Displaying the best ads, as dictated by actual customers rather than assumptions is providing a significant boost for several clients who have started using the system. Instead of pausing ads manually and swapping creatives to chase traffic trends on your account, Traffic Force can now do it all for you automatically - increasing or decreasing the visibility of specific ads in your campaign based on their current performance level. Better ads, faster response to information, higher CTR and greater profitability - it's a big step forward."

Because the best CTR ads are not always the most profitable ones, turning on Automated Ad Optimization is optional. For accounts that do opt-in, the system will weight ads in priority order to send more impressions to ads with the highest CTR, while eventually deciding which ones to obviate so that only the top performers in each account are kept live.

Best of all, the data clients can track from the CTR of top performing creatives in an account is also useful for understanding the target audience and fine tuning the overall message of your marketing campaigns. This new feature opens up the possibility of many additional new tools being added soon to help clients fully capitalize on the automation and real time data tracking of your own ads across a wide range of high traffic placements via Traffic Force as a bonus beyond the clicks.

Clients can remove certain ads from optimization or disable it altogether, providing flexibility and ease of use. The automated system can also be turned on for ads already in the system or for new ads added moving forward. More information is available from the website and anyone interested in premium traffic acquisition is encouraged to contact Traffic Force to get started today.