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ModelCentro Brings Graveyard Pornstar Janeth Rubio Back To Life in Under An Hour

Stewart Tongue


March 31, 2017

Janeth Rubio is becoming an instant online superstar due to the massive amount of media attention her recent cemetery sex tape has attracted from Spanish news channels. When her existing website was unable to handle the load, she found a new secure home with ModelCentro, the award winning platform that already powers thousands of performer paysites. The ModelCentro staff was able to help her get her domain live in under an hour with an amazing amount of new content that is already attracting a massive audience.

“This was a big challenge, and I’m really proud of the way our entire team responded,” said Stan D’Aman of “As long as the content is legal and compliant with visa regulations we are here to help any model who is being unfairly censored by an ISP, biller, hosting company or anyone else for that matter. ModelCentro is all about providing performers with the freedom to be who they are and express themselves in any way that they and their fans enjoy. It’s not about what we want, or what someone else wants… it’s always about what the models and their fans want.”

Ms. Rubio is an actress who recently participated in a porn video that was allegedly filmed somewhere in a cemetery of Guadalajara, which raised quite a stir on some social networks. Local media became alerted to the story and immediately started the typical witch-hunt aimed at inflating their page views by scolding a sweet girl who did not break any laws or cause anyone harm. According to Yahoo, "Enrique Alfaro, mayor of Guadalajara, said that the Directorate of Cemeteries did not give permission for that recording to be made" but without any trial or due process the avant-garde Mexican actress was stripped of her ability to earn a living online with her own website.

“For ModelCentro the test was really about executing everything as efficiently as possible,” said Andrea Fioriniello of ModelCentro. “What offline people don’t understand is that a massive spike in traffic like this one needs to be monetized immediately, and for a model like Janeth Rubio, every second counts. A loss of even a few minutes can mean millions of unhappy fans, thousands of lost transactions and a huge financial ditch in her earnings. Anyone who has ever launched a site knows that building something as nice as in under an hour is quite an accomplishment. The fact that our team got it done after hours on a moment’s notice and with smiles all around really makes me excited to come to work every day.”

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the Rubio story unfolds in the coming weeks, but perhaps the even bigger thing for people to notice is who is on the model’s side when things become difficult, and who is ready to step up to help save her revenue stream the way she wants it done without hesitation.

“If you are a performer, can you really afford to be working with stiffs who won’t have your back in the heat of the moment?” asked Stan. “Check out right now. Whether you want a brand new site, or a migration of your existing site from another platform… we just proved once and for all it can be done 100% in less than one hour and we know how to get your site traffic out of the Internet graveyard.”

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