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Building & Branding Your Business With An Original Logo & Marketing Materials

Stewart Tongue


April 23, 2015

Tennessee - If you have been putting off building your brand with a new professionally designed business logo and original marketing materials until after you get your launch off the ground, or land your first clients, you are missing out on very important opportunities. Just like your personal interactions, your business also gets only one chance to make a great first impression with customers, competitors, vendors, service providers and media entities. 

A professional business logo and matching marketing materials aren’t just pretty pictures. They are carefully crafted to improve the visibility of your new business while adding a level of credibility and giving your brand its own memorable voice. It may sound easy enough to design a business card or logo at a local office supply store, but if you don’t have real design skills and marketing expertise, the do-it-yourself approach might cause more problems than it solves. Whether you decide to take the risk of creating your own materials or choose to hire a professional design firm, these three keys to branding success should always be at the forefront of your mind:

1 Brand Stability
One of the defining factors in the success of any new brand is how quickly it demonstrates a credible level of stability in the marketplace. A do-it-yourself logo, poorly printed business cards, a weak website or substantial changes to your brand in the first few months after launch breed nervousness among potential investors, partners, clients and observers due to a confusing sense of directionless activity. The time to make up your mind about your business identity is long before your brand becomes public, and having a professional design firm in your corner can definitely be very useful.

2 Product Quality
If you walked into a business meeting dressed like a homeless person, no matter how great your pitch is, the people looking at you would quickly distance themselves from your company because they would rightfully believe if you can’t even take care of your own personal hygiene, how could you possibly be trusted to take care of an entire company. In fact, potential strategic partners view your branding and marketing materials exactly the same way. A misguided banner ad or a prospectus full of typos begs the question: if you can’t create a quality marketing pitch, how in the world could you ever be trusted to create a quality product. Like it or not, the way you giftwrap your ideas matters almost as much as the product ideas you put inside your brand packaging. 

3 Mission Focus
Few things are worse than an important meeting for your new business quickly devolving into an off-topic discussion about a distracting element of your branding. When you present your ideas, products, services and solutions to the marketplace, you want to be able to do so with a clear and unmistakable focus on moving forward. That momentum requires removing distractions and crafting a clear message as part of a cohesive marketing strategy that puts your products, plans and professional marketing materials in perfect alignment from the outset.

To see examples of professional adult industry marketing materials, you are encouraged to visit: where you can look closely at some of the logos, banners, email templates and landing pages produced by Zuzana Designs. Benefit from a wealth of experience in all niches of the adult industry, and the opportunity to reach an even more cost-effective ROI via bulk order discounts just by browsing this new archive and then contacting to learn more about the many ways your new brands could be growing faster as part of a professionally focused branding campaign!