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93 Searches And Arrests Made In Euro Webcam Investigation

Stewart Tongue


March 17, 2015

News broke today of a recent Police raid that appears to have included 93 searches in Bucharest and five other counties regarding a video chat studio that allegedly has been involved in laundering more than 300 million dollars through various bank branches. The charges apparently will also involve some form of tax evasion as well and could be aimed at several people involved according to reports published online. and money laundering, the damage is estimated at around 300 million dollars.

Judicial sources appear to have told AFP that about 80 of the 93 places searched were part of the video chat services industry and the rest of the places were related to bank branches where they suppoedly are storing money obtained through tax evasion accounts.

Romanian Police mentioned off shore accounts and reports have stated that investigators will seize $15 million in bank assets from suspects along with five houses and six cars. With as many as four criminal cases being investigated by the police Economic Crime Investigation Division and the Criminal Investigation Department, under the leadership office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.

Facts of this ongoing news continue to develop and are far from certain at this stage but Fubar will continue to monitor reports and update this story as new details become exposed.